
Friday, July 2, 2010

Cherry Pie

Cherry Pie

I didn't wake up this morning thinking I would make a cherry pie, but when I saw these beautiful cherries at the farm stand, I had to do it! It's not hard, it just takes some time and patience.
I started with the "Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book" and went from there.
I used 4 C of pitted cherries and all the juice.
Better Homes said to add 1 1/2 C sugar, but I only added 3/4 C (which was plenty for our taste)
1T melted butter
4 T cornstarch
Mixed it well and poured into bottom crust.
As you can see, I went the extra mile and made a lattice top crust - it's worth it in my opinion for such a lovely end product!

I always put foil around the edges of my pies for the first half of baking, just in case the crust wants to get too brown.....

Bake for 55 minutes or so in 400 degree oven.

printable recipe

My afternoon snack!
Decadent, I know, but I did walk for 3 miles before eating it!

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