
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

apple and havarti quesadilla

Apple and Havarti Quesadilla
These are really unusual and extremely delicious! The combination of the apple, the red pepper and the sugar create a sweet taste. I have no idea where I got the recipe, but I've been making them for years. Usually I make them on Thanksgiving when we need one more hearty appetizer before the turkey comes out of the oven. Today, I made them as a side dish for a salad dinner. Can't stop snacking!
Here's what you need:
1 Granny Smith apple - no substitutions here
1/3 C chopped red pepper
3 green onions, chopped
3 T butter - no substitutions here either
1/8 t cayenne pepper - this is pretty hot, so don't add any more than 1/8 t
2 t cider vinegar - no substitutions
1 clove garlic
1 t brown sugar
4 oz Havarti cheese - be sure it's not the dill type.... plain, regular Havarti
2-3 large flour tortillas
Here's what you do:
Peel and thinly slice the apple, chop the pepper and onion. Sauté slowly in a bit of butter until nice and soft.
Add the salt, cayenne, vinegar, garlic (I always use a garlic press so no one bites into a large piece of garlic) and brown sugar. Cook for about 2-3 minutes. Your kitchen will smell great - sweet, tart, spicy....

Spoon the apple mixture on 1/2 of the tortillas and then cover lightly with shredded Havarti. Fold over the tortilla to form the quesadilla.

Brown them in a clean pan in a bit more butter.... I like mine nice and brown. Allow them to cool before cutting them into wedges.

I know these sound unusual, but that's what makes them great! Try them and let me know what you think!


  1. What a great blog. Ever recipe looks as good as the other. Nice to find you.

  2. Ooh...what a nice combination! Can't wait to give these a try...think they'd be nice with brunch as well, perhaps this weekend. Thanks for linking my blog in here...I appreciate it!

  3. They'd be great for brunch. My daughter said they were too sweet for her, so be sure to experiment with the brown sugar.... maybe I went over board.. Nice connecting with you Wendy!

  4. It took me 5 years to finally make this. We loved it. It was a good low-fuss summer main dish. The only change I made was cut down the butter by 1 T.


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