
Saturday, October 2, 2010

giant brickle-chocolate chip cookies

We like our cookies around here…. The running family joke is that we are ‘cookie snobs’ and will only eat great homemade cookies. With cookies like these laying around, can you blame us? When these come out of the oven, they are very delicate and prone to crack. At first you think that they will be soft and too big to be practical. Allow them to cool completely and you will be treated to a crispy, chewy hearty cookie of the highest quality. This recipe only makes about 20 cookies, but they are 20 cookies fit for ‘cookie snobs.’

Here’s what you need:
1 C packed brown sugar
1 C butter (2 sticks)
¼ C honey (this is the secret ingredient I think)
1 egg
2 C flour
1 t baking soda
½ t baking powder
¼ t salt
12 oz miniature chocolate chips (semi-sweet)
6 oz Hershey’s Brand Brickle Chips (You’ll fine these next to the chocolate chips…. Notice that you only use 6 ounces and not the entire package. Use the remaining brickle chips in any other chocolate chip or oatmeal cookie recipe for a delicious variation. They add a chewiness to cookies. We randomly add them to all sorts of baked goods)

You will also need a cooling rack and a metal spatula.

Here’s what you do:
Cream the butter and sugar. Add the egg and honey. Mix well. (You can see I did it the old fashioned way today – did not get out the mixer. That was kinda satisfying….)

Stir in the flour, soda, power, and salt. Then add the chips and brickle.

Scoop out using a ¼ C measuring cup. Level it off with your fingers or a knife. Use a knife to scrape the dough onto the ungreased baking sheet. Don’t bother to pat the dough down, just leave it in a little mound.

Place only 5 cookies on a sheet at a time and only put one sheet in the oven at a time. Sometimes I remove the baking sheet at about 10 or 12 minutes to smack it on the top of the stove…. This removes any puffiness that might be occurring….

Cool them for a few minutes on the sheet and then carefully remove them with a metal spatula to a cooling rack. Treat them gently until they are completely cooled.

Bake 350 degrees, ungreased sheet, about 14 minutes.

These went in care packages to my kids who are away at college – they are pretty sturdy cookies. Admit it, you want one.

(printable recipe)

This recipe is dedicated to my friend Laura, who is also a ‘cookie snob’ J


  1. Yes, please! I only bake cookies during the holidays, but saving for my Christmas file!

  2. These look awesome! And I guess we're cookie snobs in our house too :)

  3. My family loved these cookies. I made them as a birthday treat for my husband and he praised you over and over again for sharing this recipe. His only complaint I did not make enough. Thanks for making my husband's, the cookie snob, birthday special.


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