
Saturday, March 26, 2011

roasted mushrooms

Tim asked for a mushroom pizza and here’s what I came up with. Are you shocked by the amount of mushrooms???? I admit it was a tiny bit over-the-top, but well worth it. I hope you notice the layer of roasted tomatoes underneath the mountain of mushrooms. I spend lots of time in August and September slowly roasting tomatoes and then freezing them. I can’t tell you how much I love those tomatoes. These mushrooms are excellent also. Think pizza, pasta, omelets, grilled meats, hor d’oeuvres, etc…

Here’s what you need:
Fresh mushrooms
Olive oil

Here’s what you do:
It's all about the method here. Follow this method to the letter.

Brush away any dirt from the mushrooms. Cut them in large pieces including the stems. Coat them lightly with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and lots of pepper.

In a very hot skillet, pour about 1 tablespoon and allow to warm.  Add the mushrooms in one layer and sear them. Place them in one layer on a baking sheet. Keep doing this until all the mushrooms are ready for the oven.

Place the mushrooms in a 425 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes. Check on them half way and give them a toss.

Result? Perfection. Chewy. Intense flavor.  You can’t believe that a lowly grocery store mushroom can become this superb vegetable.


  1. Tracy, these mushrooms are GORGEOUS! I can see how versatile they you ever add garlic or herbs? I need to make a batch of these, and soon!!!

  2. These taste as great as they look. I've never added any garlic or herbs, but I bet you could.

  3. OMG! This pizza looks amazing. I am a total mushroom freak, but have never roasted button mushrooms before. I can only imagine how wonderful this must taste. Tell mw more about how you roast tomatoes and freeze them. I love this idea.

  4. Oh, I've never thought of roasting mushrooms, but I will now ;)

  5. When I first saw the pizza picture, I giggled, so many mushrooms, but really, who wouldn't rather have a pizza with a pile of mushrooms that size over one with half that amount. Delicious, thanks fo sharing!


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