
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Santa Fe Appetizer Tart – New Year’s Eve fare- adapted from Taste of Home Magazine

Well, my house is actually kinda quiet this morning as I edit and send this post. I love the holidays, don’t get me wrong, but all the comings and goings, all the special events, all the pressure of being jolly…. It can be tiring. I thrive on the routine I guess. There’s just one more big event to go this year – New Year’s Eve. Are you hosting or attending a party? Take this Santa Fe Tart and truly impress your friends. I hope your Christmas or Hanukah was peaceful, relaxing, full of the comfort of family and friends.  

This is a good recipe for a big crowd. It’s easy and fancy. People will be impressed. I serve this with extra corn chips and crackers, but it’s substantial enough to stand on its own. Unfortunately, I think I over baked mine this time…like a regular cheese cake, you can leave the center just a bit soft. It will firm up nicely.

Here’s what you need:
1 C crushed tortilla chips
3 T butter, melted
2 x 8 oz packages lite cream cheese
2 eggs
2 C shredded cheese (Monterey Jack, cheddar, pepper jack, whatever seems a good go-with here)
1 4 oz can green chilis
Some pickled jalapenos, chopped, add them to taste. ( I used about 6 slices)
1 C sour cream
1 yellow pepper – chopped
Minced green onions
Chopped tomatoes

Here’s what you do:
Combine the tortilla chips and butter. Press into the bottom of a greased spring form pan. I used a tart pan today and had to adjust both the amount of chips and the baking time.

Bake for about 15 minutes at 325 degrees. You should always put your spring form and tart pans on baking sheets in case some buttery goodness wants to leak out in the oven.

Mix the cream cheese and the eggs well. Stir in the shredded cheese and chili peppers. Pour over crust and bake for another 30 minutes. I think mine was baked too long….. As long as the center is set, it’s done.

Spread sour cream over the top while still warm. Allow to cool completely before removing rim. Cool overnight in refrigerator.

Garnish with yellow pepper, minced green onion and lots of tomatoes. Serves an army with leftovers.  


  1. Mmmm... looks like a great party snack!

  2. This looks great! Hope you had a lovely christmas Tracy! I know what you mean about the cooking!I am a bit tired of it now so looking for easy options for New years eve!!

  3. I am making this for sure. I love things like this, plus it is so pretty! Yeah, I'm SICK of cooking too, but unfortunately eating never stops.


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