
Friday, March 9, 2012

Coconut and Banana Pancakes - See you on Social Media!

Well, I took the plunge. I entered Pinterest World, Facebook World and Google+ World– all in the same week.  Be patient with me as I figure out how to get the ‘follow’ buttons looking good on this site…. as I write this I am not too pleased with how the buttons look over there on the right hand margin. I am my own IT guy, which means trial and error.

At first I could not for the life of me figure out what the big deal with Pinterest was….. now I am totally hooked. I have all kinds of great recipes and food ideas pinned on my boards. And I totally cleaned out all the bookmarks I had hidden on my toolbar up there. So pretty to see all that great stuff pinned all together in one spot! Love it!

As far as Facebook goes – I already had a personal FB page where I used to post all my food stuff…. Now I have a brand new and very shiny ‘Tracy’s Living Cookbook Facebook Page’ where you can find and follow me. 

Google+ is a foreign field to me so far, but I am willing to learn. Who is using it already? Can you send me some tips??? Is it simple a copycat of Facebook? I certainly have met some great people over there!

In other techie news, I am no longer writing for Mlive, but I have lots of great recipes over there. I decided to keep the Mlive icon here on Tracy's Living Cookbook, so you can always reference my stuff over there.

Anywho….. these Coconut and Banana Pancakes are something I have had bookmarked for months and are now pinned. I originally found them here and only tweaked them a tiny bit. So very good!  Made about 15 big pancakes.

Here’s what you need:
1 can (14.5 oz) lite coconut milk
½ C shredded, sweetened coconut
1 C flour
3 t baking powder
½ t salt
2 eggs, beaten
2 T brown sugar
2 T unrefined coconut oil, melted and cooled
1 t vanilla (I always use pure vanilla)

Here’s what you do:
Whisk the eggs, brown sugar, vanilla and cooled oil. Add in the milk and coconut. Mix till blended. Add in the flour, baking powder and salt. Blend but do not over mix.

Fry on a hot skillet in a tiny bit of coconut oil. You can see that I add the sliced bananas on the first side of the pancake right at the beginning of the cooking process. When you flip them over, the bananas cook and get very sweet and soft.

Serve with real maple syrup and a sprinkling of chocolate chips (my kids like pancakes this way)

(printable recipe)

One Year Ago: Mrs. K's Famous Mexican Casserole (a funny name for a great dinner)


  1. These look like they turned out great. Love the addition of bananas, too - very tropical!

  2. PINTEREST IS RUINING MY LIFE! (i love it, though)

  3. Pinterest is a time suck but I do admit I indulge :)

    Lovely pancakes!

  4. Hey Tracy, great post, love your personality. I love pancakes this is a good recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Yay...will hook up with you on FB, Twitter and Pinterest today!! I just received a jar of the virgin coconut oil from Tropical Traditions, so I'm looking for ways to use it. I'm pinning these to make with some of it!!

  6. Oh these look good - so fluffy looking - super flavors
    mary x


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