
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Linguini with Roasted Broccoli and Cashew Cream: VeganMoFo #7

I’m a Veganwannabe: Post #7

There’s not one person on earth who wouldn’t love this….unless, of course, you are a broccoli hater (what’s wrong with you?!) and in that case, you may substitute any other roasted vegetable.  The leftovers were amazing also. I can see myself experimenting with this cashew business quite a lot this month. I’ve got my eye on a ‘roasted poblano cashew cream’….. doesn’t that sound heavenly?

Here’s what you need:
Broccoli – cut in pretty good sized pieces, drizzled with olive oil, salt and pepper, roasted until soft in a super-hot oven
Linguini- or other substantial pasta
Raw cashews
Garlic, salt, pepper, nutmeg
 Nutritional yeast……. I got brave and tried it.  Kinda tastes like cheese in a weird sort of way. I’m not still 100% sure of what it exactly is, but if other people eat it, then I assumed that it would be OK if I tried it too! It’s actually kinda fun to try brand, brand new ingredients!

Here’s what you do:
Roast the broccoli. I also roasted some tomatoes from my garden. ( I love ‘em with all foods and eat them practically every day.)

Soak some cashews in boiling water for about one hour. I have learned that you should rinse the nuts before soaking them. Some recipes called for using the same water to blend and others said to use fresh water……I think one thing I have learned already about vegan eating… doesn't matter!! 
They’re just vegetables! So, don’t worry!! They’re just cashews! J

Blend the heck out of the cashews….add more water if you want it thinner.

Sautee some garlic over very low heat. Add the cashew cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg and some nutritional yeast. Heat. Pour over the pasta and roasted broccoli. Serve with confidence! EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT! I give this recipe 3 'excellents.' :) 

Next post: Mickey Mouse Salad..... click back tomorrow to see what I mean! 


  1. Ho funny, I have been craving linguini with broccoli all week. You must have read my mind!

  2. That looks incredible, and I want to eat it right now. And, oh my gosh, YES! - Poblano Cashew Cream.

  3. Oh I love broccoli and would love to try this cashew sauce.

    I think it is amazing what you can do with some soaked nuts.

  4. Love the cashew cream idea! Looks delicious!


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