
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Quinoa Burgers: VeganMoFo Post # 12

See those beautiful green beans? They're BROILED! See HERE

I’m a Veganwannabe: post #12

I’m getting closer to finding the perfect veggie burger…. Both Tim and I loved this one…I admit that it’s a bit mushy and best eaten in a pita or tortilla, but I can live with that. The leftovers were excellent wrapped in a tortilla and eaten like a *super protein burrito* the next day! I, of course, ate mine with roasted tomatoes and Chipotle Veganaise. Enjoy! (this recipe is originally found here,on Savvy Vegetarian)

Here's what you do: 
A few teaspoons of olive oil
¼ C each : minced onion, celery, red pepper, and parsley
½ t each:  thyme, cumin, coriander, paprika

Sautee the veggies and add the seasonings. The kitchen should be smelling great by now.

2 C quinoa (I used leftover red quinoa, which was really pretty!)
1 can chickpeas (I gotta start cooking my own)
4 T flour
A few shakes of soy sauce
2 T tahini (secret ingredient….shhhh)

The original recipe said to blend the sautéed veggies with half of the quinoa and chickpeas and then add the remaining quinoa and chickpeas later…… which I did…..but I think you could just blend it all at once… Let’s keep it simple.

Chill for an hour or so. Form patties. Fry. Serve with all the goodies. Makes great left-overs.


  1. Look really really good Tracy.

    Hmm think I would enjoy eating them!

    Have a lovely weekend

    x Fiona

  2. I think I'll try this recipe. It looks simple and I've been looking for a good veggie burger recipe.

  3. @genkitummy - let me know how you like the quinoa burgers - we thought they were great!


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