
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Green Flageolet Beans: Caviar of beans

I've gone a little bean crazy. I guess I am worried about where protein comes from in my vegan meals ….of course, I know that protein is found in all kinds of food – namely, nuts, peas, lentils, soy, oats, wheat, seeds, barley, green leafy foods and the super-protein-rich-power-food – quinoa. But, hey, I’m new at this and I don’t want to crumple up with some weird protein deficiency. So I am putting lots of bean on the plate right now....along with roasted onions, roasted beets and the ever delicious whipped cauliflower. Can't get enough of that!

These are beautiful Green Flageolet beans, supposedly ‘the caviar of beans.’ They are popular in French cooking. I had never even heard of them before my Taste of Michigan event, when I was fortunate enough to find them tucked down deep in my swag bag. How lucky for me!! I hope all you other Taste of Michigan bloggers have tried these little green beans because they’re great.

I gave them the quick soak treatment (boil for 2 minutes and then soak for an hour) then I simmered them until tender (about 1 hour or so). Sautéed them in some butter and added some dill. They tasted like green beans! Many thanks to Shady Side Farms in Holland, Michigan for including the beans in the Taste of Michigan swag bags. For those of you who are interested in purchasing some of these heirloom, organic beans, contact Shady Side Farm here


  1. Your dinner looks so incredible! I love everything on your plate!! Yummy!

  2. I have heard of them but never tried them. In fact I'm ashamed to say the only beans I have eaten are the tinned baked ones in tomato sauce.

  3. @Ellie --- Oh, Ellie! You must try real dried beans; they are great! Never mushy!


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