
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Vanilla Chip Maple Cookies

As soon as Thanksgiving is over and December is on the horizon, I get into COOKIE MODE. I’ve got a bus load of 7th and 8th graders and their parents all counting on me to get them to Washington DC in the spring. Selling cookies is one of my best money makers. But I need lots, and lots, and lots of cookies.

Here’s how I do it: I set up a room in my school during our annual Craft Fair. I ask everyone I know to bake cookies for me (thanks, friends, if you’re reading this!) I collect and decorate coffee cans (they’re plastic these days, not as nice as the old tin ones). Then I welcome folks in to fill as many cans as they want to the brim with cookies. Simple…. Sugary, but simple!

For the Cookie Walk this year, I made three types of cookies – today I share this recipe from Taste of Home Winning Recipes. If you like maple flavoring, you will love these.

Here’s what you need for the cookie:
1 C shortening
½ C butter
2 C brown sugar
2 eggs
1 t vanilla
1 t maple flavoring
3 C all-purpose flour
2 t baking soda
2 C vanilla or white chips
½ C chopped pecans ( I think I used walnuts here)

Here’s what you need for the frosting:
¼ C butter, softened
4 C confectioners’ sugar
1 t maple flavoring
4-6 T milk
3 ½ C pecan halves

Here’s what you do: (I think you know the routine for a basic cookie, but here goes, anyway!)
Cream the shortening, butter and brown sugar together, until all incorporated. Add in  the eggs, vanilla and maple flavoring. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda. Slowly add the dry ingredients into the butter mixture. Stir in the chips and nuts.

Drop cookies by rounded tablespoon, onto ungreased baking sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes in a 350 degree oven.

Allow cookies to cool for a few minutes before removing to a wire rack.

Mix the frosting ingredients. Spread over warm cookies and place a pecan half in the melty frosting. Cool completely before storing. 


  1. You sound like me, baking cookies till you drop. Hope you guys raise lots of money this year. I'd go buy a can full if I lived closer.

  2. Mmmmmmm. look at all of those festive and fun cookies!


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