
Monday, December 2, 2013

Mega Roasted Veg Fest

Some of you might recall that I am the kitchen lady during Vacation Bible Study every summer. I make dinner for 120 people for four nights all in the sweltering heat of a humid Michigan July.  Coming up with menus can be tricky because the food choices must be pleasing to both children and adults. Plus I try to keep it somewhat healthy, so I always include lots of fruits and veggies.

 When the week is over, the kitchen crew kinda splits up the leftovers – each of us taking what we will use at home. Last year there were two huge heads of iceberg lettuce that I was trying to pass off to a kitchen helper. Her comment? “We would never eat that much lettuce. It would go bad before we even ate half of it.”  So I took both heads of lettuce home and I ate them.

I don’t know about you, but we never fail to meet the daily recommended amount of vegetables.

Roast a tray of veg and serve it over pasta. Throw in some edamame or other type of bean for protein.  Add a splash of olive oil or white wine. Pine nuts or walnuts are good too. Parmesan cheese makes everything better. 

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of veg! Looks really fresh and delicious :-) I love roasted veggies.


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