
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sushi Roll Edamame Salad – Isa Chandra

Even in the middle of the Polar Vortex, I craved salad.

Was it cold last week where you lived? We were way below zero and I still craved salad.

Did you have to shovel out from 4 feet of fresh snow fall? I did, and I still craved salad.   

Schools closed; state highways and freeways closed; I stay in the house for three days straight…. And I craved salad.

The fireplace was on; the car was under two feet of snow; hot tea was constantly in my mug…. And I craved salad. ... and yes, I had nori in my pantry. ..... and edamame in my fridge.

Isa never fails, but.... I think her salad needs MORE nori and LESS green onion. My changes are reflected here. 

Our lighthouse. January 2014 (this is not my photo and there are many more great Lake Michigan Polar Vortex photos on the internet. Actually, it was really beautiful - just too darn cold!)

Here's what you need:
1 C edamame beans
1 t rice vinegar
1 t agave
6-8 C chopped crisp lettuce
2 C cooked brown rice
1 small cucumber, sliced
1 carrot, sliced
4 t sesame seeds
2 sheets nori, chiffonaded - cut into very fine strips
1 avocado

Green Onion Miso Vinaigrette
1/4 C light miso
1 C chopped green onions - green and white parts
3 T rice vinegar
2 t fresh ginger (or more to taste)
1 clove garlic
2 t agave
2 t sesame oil
1/2 C water

Here's what you do:
Mix 1 t rice vinegar and 1 t agave and pour over edamame beans. Arrange all salad ingredients on a large platter. Mix all dressing ingredients in a high powered blender and whirl until very smooth. Add more water if needed. Drizzle over salad. 

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