
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Mushroom and Cannellini Paprikas - Isa Chandra Moskowtiz

Look what I found on my camera, buried underneath all the photos of various this and that. A photo of a beautiful meal I made last summer (notice the summer dishes and the deck table.) I remember that we loved this dinner - as you know, we devour mushrooms like there's no tomorrow. I can highly recommend anything from Isa Chandra Moskowitz - her recipes are easy to make and very tasty. She did not disappoint on her variation of paprika. The original recipe can be found in "Appetite for Reduction" and I probably made a few changes --- like eliminating the smoked paprika for regular paprika.

I can't tell if I served the goodness over mashed potatoes or caulipots.... either way would be good. And I bet that's fresh parsley from my little deck garden. You can find the recipe all over the internet, or do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of this excellent cookbook. 

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