
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Smoky Little Devils

I'm still working my way through the many files on my camera. See what I found today. These Smoky Little Devils can be found on the FOK - Recipes app, which I HIGHLY recommend! FOK stands for "Forks Over Knives," which I pray and hope you have all heard of. Excellent movie and excellent resources. Be forewarned -- viewing this movie might just change your life .... for the BETTER, I must say.

I served these at a church potluck last December and they weren't well received....not because they're not delicious, but because the crowd was very 'meat-centric' and couldn't get enough chicken and ham and cheese and whatever else was filling them up. So, I just ate them all myself, with no prob! Literally, walk past and pop one in my mouth...put three more on my plate....walk past again and pop another in my mouth.... and on and on and on....

The filling is a green onion hummus and it has just a bit too much turmeric for my taste. I'll cut back next time.

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