
Monday, September 14, 2015

Chocolate Pumpkin Loaf: Forks Over Knives

Day 14: Share something vegan (and delicious, duh!) with a non-vegan.

Do you have one of these places at your work? A place for coffee and various treats? I brought in the chocolate pumpkin loaf. Someone else brought banana bread, and those donut holes were for the students to celebrate the first day back at school . Mine, of course, was vegan.

This might be the third day. See how moist it still is?

 From Forks Over Knives, this recipe is a keeper. Very moist, spicy in a good way (like autumn) and just enough chocolate to satisfy. Actually, a nice balance between chocolate and pumpkin.


  1. Yummo! I'm so hungry and looking at all the foodie posts for MoFo isn't helping :) LOL Forks Over Knives is always a great choice tho!

  2. I love moist loaf cakes like that, when they get stickier and better as the days go by. Not that it's easy to keep them for that many days!

  3. Great way to spread the vegan love! This post will be featured on the VeganMoFo Blog for the Weekly Round Up. Thanks for sharing!

    Zsu @ Zsu's Vegan Pantry


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