
Friday, July 22, 2016

Cauliflower and Walnut Ground Meat

Guess what? Another group of photos from the 'casserole' file on my computer! You might recall that recently I accidentally uploaded a bunch of random photos into a place on my computer labeled 'casserole.' Quite a mess right now! But I'm having fun sorting them and recalling all the good meals.

This recipe came directly from One Green Planet and, as all the recipes I've tried from that site, this is good. Good, as in 'you can't believe you're not eating meat.'

Basically, you chop up some raw cauliflower........

.....add some walnuts, tomato paste, and spices........give it a gentle whirl in the food processor.......

......spread it out on a parchment lined baking sheet.......

.... and bake till dry and crumbly. 

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