
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Kitchen Tour

Vegan Month of Food 2017
"Lines and Light"
(a line of original poetry or a photo of light every day for the month of October)

The 5:30 call is the crossroad before dawn
A sleep body says, "Not yet."
But then I step outside and pull in the cold air you have given me.
I look up and am reminded that I am alive. 

Day 11: Kitchen Tour
(click HERE to see what others are sharing today)

I have a brand new kitchen! New above, old below.

New kitchen is awesomely white and totally clean (except for when I'm using it....)

I designed a thin cupboard to store a step ladder so I can reach the top shelves.

Cookie sheets above the fridge.

AMAZING pantry....I'm going to talk about this pantry on the 15th. I have just one tiny complaint.

Cupboard in the island for all my appliances - I have an outlet in there as well.
Yes, that's origami on the island.

Gorgeous view from my kitchen sink window.....and by the next Vegan Month of Food, that dead tree will be gone. 


  1. I love what you've done to your kitchen. It's beautiful. What a wonderful view from the sink too.

  2. I love seeing how well-stocked everyone's pantries are - I don't keep stocked up that well!

  3. I love the idea that all the appliances are in the island and that you have a special drawer for a step stool!


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