Are you looking for something special for a young person in your life? Now is the perfect time to own a copy of this little gem of a book (written by yours truly). The winter months are not down times for gardeners - we plan and dream and imagine our perfectly laid out rows and rows - harvesting colorful veg and feasting on the bounty of our labor.
As you can see, the focus of "Layer by Layer, Row by Row" is to get young people interested in gardening. The method presented was developed by my friend Pat Lanza, based on her book "Lasagna Gardening." My father-in-law and I decided to pare down Pat's method and together he and I created this charming book about a simple and effective way to garden. Perfect for kids of all ages, really!
You may purchase the book directly from Amazon or you may contact me at woodtracy3@gmail.com to purchase directly from me. ($12.00 covers the cost of the book, P&H)
Thanks so much and happy gardening!
You may purchase the book directly from Amazon or you may contact me at woodtracy3@gmail.com to purchase directly from me. ($12.00 covers the cost of the book, P&H)
Thanks so much and happy gardening!