
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mushroom and Spinach Enchiladas with Poblano Cashew Cream: VeganMoFo #9

I am a Veganwannabe: Post # 9
(Can I really post 20 times this month? It's killing me!)

One thing I have learned about eating a vegan diet… must prepare ahead! You need lots of stuff in the pantry and fridge….you can’t just come home and pop something in the oven …. unless it’s a frozen veggie burger, but that’s not always the healthiest choice.

There’s been lots of cooking at our house these past few weeks – lots of fresh veggies and other great ingredients. Luckily, I love to cook. But I can imagine that other folks who dread the dinner hour, hungry family hovering anxiously around the table, wondering what’s in the oven…. well, they might find this diet difficult. Lots of prep. Lots of planning. Lots of shopping, because everything is fresh.  Just some thoughts….so far…so good!

These enchiladas were great! They were inspired by this site 

They  were very hearty because of all the mushrooms. The corn tortilla also helped ‘beef up’ the meal. Leftovers for lunch the next day? A+

Here’s what you need:
Mushrooms – about 1 C chopped (or more)
Fresh baby spinach – a few handfuls
1 medium chopped onion
Corn tortillas
Green salsa – about 1-1 ½ C – divided
Fresh cilantro
1-1/2 C Raw cashews
1 poblano pepper

Here’s what you do:
Soak the raw cashews in boiling water for about an hour.

Roast the poblano pepper. I usually roast my peppers on the grill, but of course, we were out of gas. Putting it under the broiler for about 15 minutes worked great! Turn it over a few times. You can see  I also roasted the last two jalapeno peppers from the garden. (I am going to use them in my newest favorite thing…..JalapenoCrema  - oh yeah!)

Sautee the onion and garlic, being careful not to burn the garlic. Remove about ½ C of the sautéed veggies and put in the blender. (you are going to blend these veggies with the cashews in about an hour.)

Add chopped mushrooms to the remaining onions and cook till reduced in size and tender. Add the spinach and cook for about 5 minutes until the spinach is wilted.

Ready to make the enchiladas….. Spray the bottom of a pan. Drizzle a bit of green salsa over the bottom. Soften the tortillas by dredging them in some of the green salsa – This will keep them from totally breaking in half when you roll them. Fill them with a big spoonful of the mushroom mixture. Line them carefully, seam side down, in the prepared pan. Cover them with more green salsa. 

I bumped up my green salsa by whirring it in the blender with some cilantro – it really packed a punch! Perfect way to enhance store-bought salsa!!! I recommend!

To make the poblano cream: Remove the skin, seeds and veins from the poblano. Whirl the poblano and cashews and some water in the blender with the reserved onion mixture. It turns a beautiful green color!

Bake until super crispy on top and hot all the way through. Smother with poblano cream and cilantro.

Next post: Quinoa Stuffed Peppers..... I can't believe how many vegetables we are eating!! Crazy


  1. That looks lovely. I have done vegan every way in the book, and while it is totally fun to plan ahead and make real recipes-I mostly just wing it. I try to keep a ton of fresh fruit in the house, kale, and dried legumes & quinoa and go from there. I think it is easier than any defrosting of dead birds or anything. Vegan is perfect, just because it can be anything you want it. Utter simplicity or 7 course meals. And no suffering involved.

  2. those look good - i'll have to try them!

  3. Oooh, yummy. I love the combination of ingredients that you've used here.


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